The Evangelical Reformed College is an officially recognized learning center of the Classis of Ontario of the Reformed Church in America. The institution’s mission is twofold: first, to provide practical theological education for missionaries, evangelists and others serving in the Lord’s vineyard across the globe; and second, to offer academic theological training for individuals aspiring to become commissioned pastors within the Classis of Ontario of the Reformed Church in America.
To explore the programs offered by the Evangelical Reformed College, please click here.

The logo symbolizes the study of the Law and the Prophets under a fig tree, echoing the scene from the first chapter of the Gospel of John, where Nathanael awaited his encounter with Jesus—the Rabbi, the Son of God, and the King of Israel. In the same spirit, the Evangelical Reformed College aspires to engage deeply with the Scriptures, fostering a commitment to studying the Word and encouraging future pastors and theologians to do so with the ultimate aim of encountering Jesus Christ.